
Spinal cord injury (SCI) results in damage to the cells that transmit electrical signals (neurons) between the brain and the body. Different types of neurons in the central nervous system (CNS) respond differently to an injury. Most neurons die following an injury, while others survive but fail to regenerate axons. However, a small of number…

Transforming Thoughts to Movement Using a Brain-Machine Interface Offers New Hope for Spinal Cord Injury Patients What if paralyzed limbs could move using only the power of one’s thoughts? Borrowing a story line from the realm of science fiction, a team of researchers at The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis — together with neurosurgeons and…

Neuroscientists have been struggling for years to understand why neurons in the brain and spinal cord have so much difficulty re-growing connections after injury caused by trauma or disease.  An intercontinental collaboration between the University of Miami and Imperial College London neuroscientists and computer scientists provides new insight into the epigenetic mechanisms that might allow…

Many who have loved ones and friends in wheelchairs because of a spinal cord injury (SCI) are aware of the many associated complications that come along with living life day to day with paralysis. Those who are not close to someone living with paralysis may be surprised to learn that a large percentage live with…

High-content screening (HCS) may seem like an esoteric term to many in the general public.  For researchers across the globe, like Vance Lemmon, Ph.D., the Walter G. Ross Distinguished Chair in Developmental Neuroscience, Professor, Department of Neurological Surgery and The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, it is an important tool that is helping to turbo…

Florida State Senator Lauren Book and Florida State Representative Vance Aloupis, sponsors of the recent budget appropriation for The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, visited our research facilities at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine on Friday morning to present an enlarged check to Miami Project leadership. The check represents the $1.8 million…

Computer savvy students gain valuable research experience at the UM Miller School of Medicine’s Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, and other research departments.  Students from colleges around the country spent the summer with science professors across the university to bolster their research capabilities. New technology that rapidly sifts through video to identify if paralyzed mice are…

No two spinal cord injuries (SCIs) are exactly the same. Two people with the same level and grade of injury may have very different functional capabilities. In an uninjured state, the system that controls movement of the body (motor system) is incredibly complex, and a myriad of electrical signals from the brain, as well as…

Replication Studies and The Miami Project: A Firsthand Report From the Trenches by Dr. Vance Lemmon Over the past ten years or so a consensus has emerged that, before a new therapy is tested in humans with spinal cord injuries, the original animal studies should be retested to ensure the method is robust and reliable….

KiDZ Neuroscience Center at The Miami Project’s Special Screening of Rapid Response Documentary About Motorsports Safety Pioneer Dr. Stephen Olvey The advance debut of the gripping new Rapid Response documentary based on associate professor of clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine’s Dr. Stephen Olvey who’s book, Rapid Response: My Inside…