
Exosome-based therapies are an exciting development that were derived from research on how cells communicate with one another over distances within the body.  Exosomes are nanosized structures within a cell that can be released, such as in response to an injury, and then taken up by nearby cells or enter the circulation where they can…

Chronic pain is a major issue for many people living with spinal cord injury (SCI). This pain, often uncontrollable, can be debilitating, greatly reducing overall quality of life. Neuropathic pain is difficult to manage, and up to two thirds of people with chronic SCI do not have an effective treatment option. Clinically, rehabilitation is recommended…

In this episode of A Moment with Dalton, we talk with Nagi Ayad, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Neurological Surgery and The Miami Project, Co-Director, University of Miami Brain Tumor Initiative. Dr. Ayad and his team are identifying therapeutic combinations to treat brain tumors or repair spinal cord injury (SCI). He talks with Dr. Dietrich…

In this episode of A Moment with Dalton, we talk with Pantelis Tsoulfas, M.D., Associate Professor, Department of Neurological Surgery and Cell Biology & Anatomy and The Miami Project. Dr. Tsoulfas and his team are working on the development of the nervous system, neurotrophin signaling in neural cells and repair of the central nervous system…

In this episode of A Moment with Dalton, we talk with Roberta Brambilla, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Neurological Surgery and The Miami Project. The main focus of Dr. Brambilla’s lab is understanding the role of neuroinflammation in the pathophysiology of neurological disorders like multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, and stroke. Dr. Brambilla talks with…

In this episode of A Moment with Dalton, we talk with Jae K. Lee, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Neurological Surgery and The Miami Project. Dr. Lee’s lab researches glial and fibrotic scar formation in the central nervous system, and axon regeneration. He talks with Dr. Dietrich about how natural healing in the form of…

Helen M. Bramlett, Ph.D., Professor of Neurological Surgery, has been named as the Editor-in-Chief of Neurotrauma Reports.  This new Open Access journal is the companion publication of the Journal of Neurotrauma. The mission of Neurotrauma Reports is to support basic, translational, and clinical neurotrauma publications.   “My vision for this journal is to provide the neurotrauma…

In this episode of A Moment with Dalton, we talk with Coleen Atkins, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Neurological Surgery and The Miami Project. Dr. Atkins and her team focus on developing novel therapeutic interventions for traumatic brain injury (TBI). She talks with Dr. Dietrich about some potential new drugs showing promise in improving learning…

In this episode of A Moment with Dalton, we talk with Helen M. Bramlett, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Neurological Surgery and The Miami Project. Dr. Bramlett and her lab are investigating the pathophysiology of traumatic injury leading to the use of therapeutic strategies targeting specific mechanisms of damage. She discusses with Dr. Dietrich how her…

In this episode of A Moment with Dalton, we talk with a researcher who has been with The Miami Project since the beginning. Mark S. Nash, Ph.D., FACSM, is Associate Scientific Director for Research, The Miami Project, Vice-Chair for Research, Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Professor, Departments of Neurological Surgery, Physical Medicine & Medicine and Physical…