
WalkSafe Program Co-Hosts Walk to School Day October 2014 – The WalkSafe® Program and Hibiscus Elementary co-hosted Walk To School Day– an international and nationally celebrated event – on October 8 along with special guests to advocate for safety and health. In addition to the general festivities, the event featured special guests Sebastian the Ibis,…

The Miami Project’s Dr. Allan Levi to Begin Novel Stem Cell Trial October 2014 – A novel clinical trial using human neural stem cells for the treatment of cervical spinal cord injury is beginning at the Miller School of Medicine. Allan D. Levi, M.D., Ph.D, professor and Robert M. Buck Distinguished Chair in Neurological Surgery,…

29th Annual Great Sports Legends Dinner honors Hakeem Olajuwon, Warren Sapp, Pedro Martinez, Bill Cowher, Tom Brokaw, Grant Hill and more September 29, 2014 – Celebrities, sports legends, corporate leaders and more joined NFL Hall of Famer Nick Buoniconti, his son Marc, and Event Chair Mark Dalton as they hosted a sold out crowd in…

U. S. Senate Designation Builds Support for The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis U.S. Senate Resolution 533, introduced by Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, designates September 2014 as “National Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month”. This designation is especially timely given the progress being made toward a cure for spinal cord injury at The Miami Project…

The Miami Project’s Research Progress Update August 2014 – We have obtained five FDA-approved clinical trials targeting spinal cord injury. Our Phase 1 safety trial to evaluate autologous human Schwann cell transplantation in subacute injury subjects is ongoing. We have successfully transplanted millions of Schwann cells into three subjects. Another FDA approved trial is using…

August 2014 – Dr. Eva Widerström-Noga has been studying chronic pain for over 20 years as well, with an emphasis on SCI since 1996.  More than two-thirds of individuals living with SCI experience chronic, persistent pain.  Dr. Widerström-Noga is an international leader in SCI pain research and classification.  The field knows most about pain assessment…

29th Annual Great Sports Legends Dinner to Honor Kakeem Olajuwon, Warren Sapp, Pedro Martinez and more July 30, 2014 – The Buoniconti Fund to Cure Paralysis, will present the 29th Annual Great Sports Legends Dinner at the Waldorf Astoria on Monday, September 29, 2014. The annual event, hosted by NFL Hall of Famer Nick Buoniconti…

July 2014 – We have written several articles in the past few years about stem cells and their potential as therapeutics for spinal cord injury (SCI).  There is still confusion about stem cells and recently there has been some good, bad, and downright ugly information coming to light. The Good.  One of the good things…

JULY 2014 – Dr. Nancy Brackett has been heading up the male fertility research program for over 20 years and has led the field in discoveries regarding the mechanisms underlying SCI-induced male infertility.  Many years of research have revealed that SCI impairs the motility of sperm.  There are altered levels of inflammatory chemicals in the…

Director of the Concussion Program and Kidz Neuroscience Center June 2014 – Gillian Hotz, Ph.D., research professor of neurological surgery, Director of the UHealth Sports Medicine Concussion Program and of several programs at The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, attended the White House Healthy Kids and Safe Sports Concussion Summit on May 29. Joining her…