The Volunteer Chapters raise awareness and funds through events, campaigns and community outreach, some featuring a local or regional theme.
Chapter activities have included Block Party, Cocktail Reception, Comedy Night, Crabfeast/Luau, Gala Dinner, Golf Tournament, Happy Hour, Poker or Casino Night, Reverse Raffle, Silent & Live Auction, Sports Outing/Game Night, Race/Walk & Roll-A-Thon, Tailgate Party, Wine Tasting and many more.
Sponsor and Donor generosity assists our success by supporting costs to host these events which allows more funds raised to directly support research programs at The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis. Every event offers Sponsorship opportunities, and we welcome your support.
The event opportunities and creative ideas are limitless…help us find a cure for paralysis by creating a signature event or surpassing a goal for an existing race.
See form below to GET STARTED
EVENTS PHOTO GALLERY (photos to be submitted and formatted)
Questions? Contact Us.